Knowing the FySelf Clients

La plataforma FySelf estará en línea pronto. En ese momento, todos podrán registrarse. Nuestra empresa también ha pensado en un espacio para personas jurídicas o personas físicas que decidan contratar nuestros servicios. Entonces, sobre los Clientes FySelf es exactamente de lo que hablaremos hoy.

¿Quiénes pueden ser Clientes de FySelf?

Los Clientes de FySelf deben registrarse en el sitio web de FySelf Business.

Before requesting the services, you must have a personal account in FySelf and create a Workspace in FySelf Business for those companies or institutions that you represent.

Then, you must sign a contract with our company, where the payment of the different services is stipulated. These can be modified, according to the needs of the Clients: everything will be reflected in the general framework contract and in the notifications that the system issues once they have been agreed upon.

What is our Client Portfolio?

Our platform is not only intended to offer you a unique, secure and universal identity. The creation of profiles and information packages for institutional services will also enable all types of entities to become FySelf Clients.

Here we list some of those institutions that can hire services:

  • Embassies and consular offices
  • Immigration and immigration institutes
  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Shops of all kinds
  • Credit agencies
  • Hospitals, physical or mental health centers
  • Real estate and condominiums
  • Hotels and accommodation of all kinds
  • Airlines, public or private transport
  • Notaries and public records
  • Legal consultancies
  • Property Records
  • Tax Institutions
  • Police and justice organizations
  • Electoral and identity institutes and registries
  • Social and political organizations
  • Government institutions
  • Educational Centers, for all levels of education
  • Military institutions
  • Religious organizations
  • Advertising companies of the most varied types
  • Newspapers, Magazines, Editorials, Television, Radio and all kinds of traditional or modern communication companies.
  • All types of groups of people who act for a common good in an organized way, such as: Sports, Artistic, Religious, Cultural Groups, Medical Associations, Engineers, Architects, Economists, Publicists among many others.

Potential Market for FySelf Clients

FySelf will be the world’s first social identity network. Therefore, we aspire to provide a secure and reliable identity for legal and natural persons. For this reason, our potential market is vast.

An average person needs to present their identity documents or fill out forms several times in the same day or week. At FySelf we advocate shortening the times in these procedures. Therefore, our platform is not only beneficial for natural persons, but also for legal entities.

The FySelf validation system will be useful for institutions, companies or government authorities. If we take into account that the system offers a reputation for each person, according to its credibility and reliability, any business in which a verification of the individual is necessary may require this information.

The personal data will be guaranteed, to a large extent, by people close to the individual in question. Without a doubt, this validation process is one of the greatest attractions for doing business with the company.

FySelf is a platform that will not only be useful for users, but also for customers, who will find solutions to various problems. We have created the company in Estonia, which is considered the digital nation of the planet. Learn more about our services and hire them. We want to work with you.

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