How to take care of your company’s online reputation

Do you have a business? If so, I hope you know you have to take care of your company’s reputation on the Internet.

Maybe that idea seems logical to you, but you don’t know for sure how to achieve it. Maybe you have heard of the word branding and you are aware of its importance, but not of the efforts it takes to consolidate it in offline or online scenarios.

What is branding?

Some marketing experts often define “branding” as the set of strategies to ensure a positive brand image around a company or business.

If you have similar prices, analogous functionalities, not so very different aesthetics … how do you differentiate your product or service from the competition?

How to build a positive image on the Web?

Either way, this blog post can be useful to help you to create an action plan which will allow you to grow as a brand in the imagery of potential clients and the digital scenario which is the Internet.  

Tips for looking after your company’s reputation and brand online

Treat your employees as brand ambassadors

Every person that works at the company has the potential to give out negative or positive messages about it. If the work environment isn’t good or they are not satisfied with their role in production, this can be seen in their work and in the content generated by that person in its path through the Web.

However, if they are happy with their performance and feel part of the creation of a good product, these employees can become the best spokespersons for your business when they share the advances made by the company, the new offers or team spirit they have achieved with their teammates.

Besides, you could ask your employees to take care of their personal online reputation: the online image of your brand sometimes depends on that.

Answer all your users’ questions.

Always let the user know that you appreciate the time he has spent by giving a review of your product or service, even if it is negative. Especially if its negative.

Most people who leave a comment do so because they want to let you know about some dissatisfaction. Learn from things that you can correct, and be patient when responding to those you know are not objective. Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes.

An excellent ability to maintain a healthy digital brand on networks is the ability to handle crises. You’ll never be prepared enough to respond to a viral video that denigrates your services. But, in those situations, it is necessary to know how to stand up for your brand and even more important, how to divert attention to positive themes. Polemic topics are something you should always avoid, even when you are absolutely right on the money.

Domino´s Pizza was very patient in this bizarre conversation with a customer. Be like them!

Seduce customers with the idea of your brand

Find what sets you apart, what makes your business different.. It can be a feature of your product or service, or it can be an idea or message.

Then, design a strategy with all the elements that will help you shape that idea in the minds of (potential) customers. Keep not only a website or a blog, but immerse yourself in spaces where people think and share content. Those spaces are social networks.

What is the best scenario? The one where users make your message theirs, and not only share it, but also look for creative ways to make analogies with it and create their own content. With the goal of generating such motivation in mind, companies actively organize contests.

Hire qualified personnel for your brand strategy on the Internet and social networks

It can be a freelancer, a digital marketing company or an employee of your company, or an entire floor of people working. The important thing is that the person who carries your brand on the Internet is not an impromptu.

Everyone knows how to use social media applications. But not everyone can learn how to articulate a coherent message and carry out their brand to have a good reputation on the Internet. Put your trust in specialists in order to maintain the online image of your brand. .

The “I mean you, but I don’t mean it” doesn’t exist

Everything that is said about your brand on the Internet includes you, even if it is not on your page or official profile.

How to know what users say about your brand even if they don’t interact through the channels you have established for it?

Activate Google alerts with your brand name, and track hashtags (Those you have created yourself and others that may refer to your product or service)

The best would be to respond to all opinions. Even if in some cases you cannot respond or it makes no sense for you to do so, always being aware of everything will help to grow.

Produce content and position it well for search engines

If you have a lot and good content about your company (a well-articulated blog, active and attractive profiles in social networks), search engines like Google will realize and position your own messages when someone searches about your brand on the Internet.

In other words: the less quality content you have online, the more likely it is that a negative review or a criticizing publication will be among the first results a person will see when they start researching about your company. Google results can certainly affect your company’s reputation on the Internet. Nobody wants that, right?

What do you do to take care of your company’s reputation on the Internet? Do you think the online image of your brand is positive? Tell us

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Gabriela M. Fernández

Journalist with a vocation, doesn't lose hope of learning how to program. Hardcore cinephile, TV-show and technology addict... we could say a full-fledged millennial.

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