Will new Apple passports change the future?

Apple keeps on betting on making its products basic objects in our daily life. The new project at hand has to do with developing a system that replaces the users’ passports in safe way. Will these new Apple passports change the future again? Lets read about the details!

The news came to light because the US’s Patent Office published a series of patent applications presented by the company based in Cupertino related to the subject.

What does Apple propose?

Apple takes technology, once more, to the next level. This time they are pursuing a solid identification system that allows the users to substitute their passports, as we know them today. The series of Patents called “Identity Credential Verification Techniques”, explains different methods to register and confirm the user’s identity.

“The verified claim constitutes multiple data fields to ID the user and to be a digital certification signed by the server. The verified claim is associated with the device”, refers one of the patents.

The company explains that the system will allow the users to have a verified claim of identity. This will serve as a digital identity document valid for different service providers. This material also needs ways to transmit the user’s data safely.

New Apple passports, betting on digital identity

The brand’s services like Apple Card or Apple Pay get somewhat close to what we carry in our purses or wallets. The company has also thought about the idea of using the iPhone as a way of identifying oneself 

About carrying your identity digitally, Apple Pay’s Vice-president Jennifer Bailey assured in 2019 that: “the identity, to be legal, has to be from the government, has to receive the authentication of the government”..

The company of the bitten apple is still on the road to digital identity. Last 22nd of June it presented iOS 14, last version of iPhone’s operating system. With the OS came the app CarPlay, which allows to use the phone to open the car when the user is approaching.

We see all over the world that many countries are starting to use the cellphone to add a Passport. You can use a digital passport when going through customs today, that’s why this is moving and I think it will continue to do so. So it’s not too far ahead, it’s just not as quick as other activities that we have”. SOURCE:

Jennifer Bailey, Vicepresident of Apple Pay.

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