The world is upside down

The world is upside down, does anyone doubt it? Today is April 22, 2020 and I make these notes dedicated to those who once believed in this idea of FySelf. And to also those who actively dedicated themselves entirely to turning this dream into reality. I especially dedicate it to all those who make up […]

abril 22nd, 2020 by

  • 13.9K
  • STOP deforestation: a claim for Earth Day

    Deforestation is among the worst consequences that the human race imposes the planet. April 22th is the Earth Day, and we ask for a change.

    abril 22nd, 2020 by

  • 19.7K
  • Viral networks in pandemic time

    Information moves from hand to hand, like a contagion, regardless of what happens to the receiver. On viral networks caring is also important

    abril 2nd, 2020 by

  • 16.3K
  • 10 reasons why Estonia is the first digital nation.

    Have you heard about the ex-Soviet European country that has jumped into the public palette for becoming the first digital nation? It is not propaganda or publicity: here we tell you why Estonia has become an example of government and digital life. 1. Almost half of the citizens in Estonia voted online in the last […]

    marzo 16th, 2020 by

  • 37.6K
  • From Estonia to the world

    Estonia has managed to be considered the first digital nation and it is imposing challenges to the rest of the world. In particular, to the most developed countries which are far from reaching the levels of social computerization already accomplished in Estonia. An Estonian resident can perform from his computer or cell phone the most […]

    marzo 6th, 2020 by

  • 19.4K