Learn about the Smart City Live

Smart cities are constantly evolving; even the pandemic has not been able to stop the progress of these model cities for the future. The Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) is the most relevant global meeting on smart cities and urban solutions. This year it will take place from 17 to 18 November.

What will shape this meeting, organised by the Fira de Barcelona is that,this time it will take place completely virtually. The event will adapt to the new global conditions. That is why on this occasion it will have the name Smart City Live.

What’s on the Smart City Live?

The two days of the congress aim to become a space to reflect on the challenges of smart cities in the current situation. In addition, experts will reflect on how to continue leading urban innovation.

«Without a doubt, the current situation will change cities and their functioning. It can do so, helping us to build metropolises capable of providing better services and resources to their inhabitants. It will also enable us to be ready to respond to new emerging challenges. Smart City Live is our contribution to this collective project,» said Ugo Valenti, director of SCEWC.

The first day will be an online transmission focusing on how the coronavirus has affected the cities and how they have adapted to the new conditions. Interviews, discussions, reports and successful experiences will highlight the main changes in smart cities in areas such as mobility, consumption and services. 

On November 18, digital workshops and round tables will address the long-term challenges of smart cities. A way of thinking about how the cities of the future will function in the aftermath of the coronavirus. 

Our main objective this year is to offer a platform to accelerate the recovery of urban ecosystems, through a new model that allows us, by using the digital format, to connect with all the actors in our sector.

Ugo Valenti, director of SCEWC.

New platform available 

In addition to organising the online event, the SCEWC plans to launch Tomorrow.City. This is a website specially designed for companies and public institutions where useful information can be found throughout the year on topics such as technology, training, research and investment.

The aim of 2020 Tomorrow.City is to promote sustainable cities, based on four fundamental areas of work: knowledge, business, training and talent, and dissemination. A multidisciplinary approach to articulate the cities of the future.

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