5G and the hyper connected world.

Let’s think about a world where you can guide machines from a distance, doctors can operate on patients without touching them, cars are autonomous and we can control all the household equipment from our cellphones. That ecosystem isn’t too far away, thanks to the 5G network that will make the Internet of Things come true.

The 5G network which is already a reality in regions of some countries, like United States, not only means more connectivity. It also means very fast download and upload levels. Let’s get to know a little more of what it is about and its main benefits for the users.

What is the 5G?

The 5G network is the 5th generation technology for cellular networks. This new broadband cellular network will increase the 4G LTE connection, which is the fastest one up to this day. Experts consider that its main benefit for the users is related to the fast upload and download speed.

Browsing through 5G can reach up to 10 Gbps (gigabytes per second), figure that is 10 times larger than the current connection via cable. With those numbers it is possible to download a film or series in matter of seconds or a few minutes.

“The 5Gs’ goal is to reach high speed (1 Gbps), low power and low latency (1ms or less), for massive IoT, touch internet and robotics”.

Thales Group

Benefits of the 5G

The 5Gs’ technological revolution will soon overflow our lives. Experts already predict some of its great benefits. The implementation of this new cellular connection network will completely change our daily habits.

Its deployment will be useful in different aspects, let get to know some of the most relevant ones:

Broadband and much more speed

The connection speed will be unheard of. The fact that the 5G networks works in various band spectra will contribute to that. This will avoid congestion in the traffic of data.

The connection speed will also favor the development of virtual and augmented reality. The 5G will come to solve the connectivity problems and the loading of images or videos in 4K that require this technology.

“It’s a large number, but when there are many users who are connected, there will be a competition for those resources. But the user experience is expected to be near the 400 or 600 Mbps. This is more than what we have with cable Internet at home”, referred José F. Monserrat, professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) in the El País newspaper.

It will enhance remote work in new spheres/environments.

If up until now remote work was possible for some jobs, this new network could lead to some radical changes.  Now, operating factory machinery and performing surgical interventions will be possible. And those are just two examples.

Explosion of the Internet of Things

We have already mentioned it: the 5G network will be the trigger of the real IoT. Just as we have been told throughout the years.

“5G will allow all the products to be connected and, thus, become smarter. It’s the missing piece. For example, a car will talk to another car and to the traffic lights”, explains Fernando Maldonado, main analyst of IDG Research, also in the above cited Spanish Media El País.

Companies that offer 5G network

The deployment of the 5G has already begun in some nations. Recently, Colombia and Germany have been flash news, countries that the coronavirus hasn’t prevented from developing tests with the new broadband network.

But, 5G isn’t a new topic in 2020. Since 2013, companies like Samsung, Huawei and Ericsson started the development of devices that would support the future advantages of this network. Operators around the world have created their own launching strategies.

Two experiences in United States

  • Verizon: October of 2018 was the date that the company launched a fix standard 5G network. Until now, their services are available in Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles and Sacramento, California.
  • AT&T: It’s considered the first operator to put the real 5G service into practice. Since December 2018, it offered this service to nine cities in United States and it has been extended through other places in the country.

In a world where everything can be managed from our smartphone, having a digital identity in one platform would be ideal. That space will soon appear. Don’t stop following us to know all the details. 

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Aline Marie Rodríguez

Journalist with my pen and my lens. Photography lover.

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